RETRIEVER LEASH - What exactly is that?

- A retriever leash is a dog leash that conveniently combines a collar and a leash
- It consists of a piece of rope and is available in different thicknesses, lengths and many colors
- Retriever leashes are available in nylon rope, cord, cotton, biothane or leather
- The collar of a retriever leash is infinitely adjustable and can therefore be adapted to any dog's neck at any time
- On one side the retriever leash has the hand strap, on the other side the collar
- The stopper on a retriever leash prevents the loop of the collar from opening completely on its own and allowing the dog to accidentally pull its head out
- The most important thing about the retriever leash, however, is the choke stop, which should be loose and under no circumstances too tight!
Retriever leashes are also called Moxon leashes
Retriever leashes WITHOUT a choke stop are now banned in Germany, thank God!
- All in all, the retriever leash is suitable for EVERY breed and is simply a mega practical leash